You've got to ask yourself, what do I want out of life? What
do you want out of life, what do you want out of a job, what do you want out of
a career, what do you want out of a relationship, what do you want, what gives
you your life, what's how will you know when you've got it, what will make you
happy? You need to know. You need to ask, start asking yourself some questions.
What do I really, really truly want? You envision something, you got clear
about it and then you start thinking about all the reasons why you wanted it.
You get excited about it. Said this is what's next for me now. I want this. You
may have dreamed about it, thought about it, talked about it but when you focus
on something continuously something magical happens. You get insights, don't
you? You overhear a conversation and you hear something you wouldn't have heard
if you didn't have that outcome or goal that you wanted so badly .If you have a
specific skill set or talent that just immediately propels you to the top, yeah
you want to follow that. When you find something you're good at go for it and I
also always say it's not about passion. Everybody's got passion for something,
yeah. Right. Don't follow your passions, follow your efforts because people say
look, you know I was passionate to play baseball, I was passionate to play
basketball. Doesn't mean now all of a sudden I was going to be good enough,
yeah but I found myself spending, being really curious about business, being
really curious about technology and that curiosity is really what drove me and
I think particularly if you're young today curiosity is great. Always learning
and trying to find new things and being curious about new things because that's
what leads you to that path. Trying to figure out in advance yeah that's hard
because you don't know what you don't know. You have to have an emotional
investment in what you're doing. If you don't love what you're doing failure is
pretty much guaranteed. Success is not guaranteed by any means but failure is
much more likely if you don't love what you're doing. Your life would feel
better and richer if you had a goal, you chase that goal, you accomplish some
things, you would get this boost of confidence, you would get this boost of
self-esteem like whatever it is that you're into doing. Maybe you're into
drawing comic books, maybe you're into making pottery or sculptures but find
whatever that is and pursue that instead of doing nothing. Now is the time to
take risks. You don't have kids, as you get older your obligations increase and
once you have a family you start taking risks not just for yourself but for
your family as well. It gets much harder to do things that might not work out
so now is the time to do that before you, before you have those obligations. So
I would encourage you to take risks now, do something bold. If you want to
control your own destiny, you work for yourself. That's how it works. I'm
trying to inspire those of you who are on the tipping point. Take the chance,
you're young. Go for it. There's nothing better than being able to wake up in
the morning, 10 years or 20years from now and do whatever you like. So you want
to work on yourself, you want to read books that inspire you and motivate you,
you want to listen to tapes over and over and over again and I suggest that you
listen to tapes when you first get up in the morning. You want to control the
spirit of your day. When you first wake up in the morning your mind is
operating at ten point five wave cycles per second. That's when the
subconscious mind is most impressionable. Whatever you hear in the first twenty
minutes when you wake up that will affect the spirit of your day. You want to
make a dream come true you've got to stay focused. Some people rather get even
then get ahead. Stay focused on where you want to go. There's no other way
around it. If success is the result that you are ultimately seeking, you must
be obsessed with the process. You have no time to let fear doubt, failure,
quit, negative thoughts or give up enter into your mentor. So you have massive
potential, so from the moment you open your eyes in the morning your mindset
has to be win. Meaning winning that particular morning and carrying that
winner's mentality with you as you enter your classroom. So what the person to
the left of you is pessimistic, so what the person to the right of you is zoned
out. You, yes you can only be concerned with staying locked in because you
refused to let the aura of your classmates or classroom enter into your mental
space. See this race is won by the one that can distance him or herself from
the rest of the pack and those are facts. So I need you to realize that there
will be bad days. There will be times that you feel like you have no earthly
idea what your teacher or professor is talking about but what you will never
ever do is throw a pity party. What you will never ever do is tap out, what you
will never ever do is concede and throw in the towel. What you will do, is
knock on his or her door and say 'listen. I only have one option' and that is
success in your class but right now I'm confused about the lesson you taught today
and I need clarity and I need it now. I guarantee if you are passionate about
wanting to achieve success in that class he or she will bend over backwards to
help you but if you settle for mediocrity and never say anything, you are
setting yourself up to fail and failure my friend is not in your DNA. I
promise. You're not the first person to question whether or not they have what
it takes to achieve at a high level. I promise you're not the first person to
feel like they are under-performing. I promise you are not the first person to
feel like their brain is about to explode. Listen to me those that can push
through no matter what storms arise are in the small minority, that small
percentile of those that ultimately break through and make their goals and
dreams a reality. So the reality is this. You were born with everything you
need to pass every class with flying colours, you were born with everything you
need to overcome the anxiety that may pop up from time to time on a mission to
derail your lifelong hopes, dreams and aspirations. See my favourite acronym is
H.W.P..O and just in case you forget, or just in case you don't know that means
Hard Work Pays Off .So winners like us never lose focus and we're horrified and
petrified whenever someone tries to tell us to take the easy route because we
already know there is no easy route because if it were easy everyone would do
it. So we avoid their ignorance and get back to our grind of studying harder
than we have ever studied before because we understand that you get out of it what
you put into it. So we pour our heart and soul into our homework we pour our
heart and soul into studying for exams, that way we sleep like a baby because
we know in our heart of hearts that we have put every ounce of our being into
our work and therefore success is a foregone conclusion. After all of the hard
work after all the studying, after all of the blood, sweat, tears, you still
fail, I need you to listen and never forget this. You never fail, you never
lose, you only learn. See, life will knock the mess out of you when you least
expect it. It's part of the process. See that's when you have to tell yourself
because of this setback, I'm stronger because of this setback, I'm wiser,
because of this setback, I'm smarter and because of this setback, I'm hungrier
than ever! So I say all of this, as a friendly reminder. You got this. You were
born to be spectacular! So I need you to jump over the obstacles, I need you
you to go around the pitfalls and I need you to push through the adversity
because that dormant volcano of success that's living inside of you, it's just
waiting for you to grant permission for it to erupt. People are always
wondering what the next step in life is and I say, life's a little bit like a
maze, you know? Until you walk down one hallway and try to open the door you
don't know if it's a dead end or not and people are trying to sit back and
that's where the procrastination comes in and look real far down the hallway,
and I'm like, just walk. Small and steady wins the race, what's the fastest way
to change your life? For me I think it's understanding how to set up daily
routines with alternating brain and body training and, killing procrastination.
The little win, with your family when you feel like watching TV sets you up for
another win the next day a little win of getting up at 5 o'clock and running
your morning routine sets you up for a habit, of a 5 a.m. club morning routine
small daily improvements over time will lead you to stunning results it comes
down to this Elvis, I think you have to work hard like, just so everybody knows
we haven't gotten into this subject yet working hard, is the cost of entry to
anything you know zero people that are successful that don't work their face
off you know zero people now, they may have money as mummy and daddy made money
and gave it to them but people that actually built their own success you know
zero people that have had success, that did not put in obnoxious amounts of
work. What's the most important key to success? I think it's hunger it's not
getting satisfied a hunger that doesn't go, a hunger to learn, a hunger to
grow, a hunger to serve, a hunger to give a hunger to create break throughs most
people are hungry until they make a certain amount of money and then they get
comfortable and there's nothing wrong with that but it's not about the money,
it's not about the business, it's about your growth because every one of us
either grows or dies people ask me all the time, what does it take to be happy?
I say one word, progress. Progress equals happiness because achieving a goal
feels good for how long? A week, a month, three months? And then there needs to
be something else and the reason for something else is because you gott a grow
imagine a conversation with your future self and that, lets imagine that the
you of 20 years from now shows up at your doorstep, and that you is stronger,
smarter, wiser, wealthier, healthier, happier and that you shows up at your
door and it looks at your life and it looks you in the eye if that future you
is going to give you advice on what to stop, what to start what's the first
thing they would tell you to be? Or do? take a step back right now and think
about who we all admire in the world right? They're all people that punted the
system, they're people that practice singing since they were five, there are
people that shot 10,000 basketballs every morning it's always that it's always
that. 99% of the people right now that are listening to this are playing in the
middle. They're playing in a game that was structured for them they're risk
adverse, they fear, and most importantly, they fear what other people think
look, I believe that we're all born with lots of goodness in us but life throws
curveballs life, the ambition of being alive, helps us dream, and if you've
been given a dream don't discount that because you're not good enough yet develop
yourself, weaponries yourself teach yourself to be so good at something that is
necessary to serve in the area of your dream that now you're never even
thinking about your comfort zones your comfort zone is irrelevant what matters
is, what are you trying to do with your life? how are you trying to contribute?
the one thing that discipline definitely does help you with, is it helps you
get things done and when you get things done, when you actually do things you
have more success if you have more success, and sometimes a big part of success
is just not being lazy and just doing it it's like 90% of it is just showing up
get there and start working, like you're not gonna feel perfect everyday it's
pretty much the same with everybody that actually gets good at something
there's gotta be those days you push through and they're probably gonna be more
numerous than the days you don't and so the benefit of discipline in my eyes
has always been that through discipline I get things done. When we try to
study, it's tedious and most of the time we don't have the energy or the
motivation to do it. We don't have to drive in order to make sure that we can
secure our future and it's difficult because there are many other things that
people nowadays would rather do. They'd rather be surfing Facebook, you know,
talking to people on Snapchat, going out to parties, you know anything to avoid
doing the work and I think that's the problem that today's society is the
reason we don't have so many, you know, amazing people. The fact is when we see
someone who's like oh this guy got a4.0 GPA, this guy got all A's, this guy got
top of his class and we seem so shocked about it but the reality is we
shouldn't even be shocked about that kind of stuff because we as individuals
can achieve that. So many people today are being average right and I'm not
condoning average, being average is okay. The only problem is if your average
you're going to earn an average salary, you're going to get average grades,
your effort is average and your commitment is average but when life gives you a
choice my number one recommendation to you is do not take the average route.
Whatever happens in your life it's up to you, it's because of something that
you did, right. Eric Thomas said 'you don't make six-figure salaries blaming
people' and he's right. I promise you if you could make six-figure salaries,
blame people for your mistakes, I would be the richest person in the world but
you can't. The only person to blame for your mistake is yourself and that's why
you need to hold yourself accountable for not doing the work. You need to hold
yourself accountable for not revising enough. You need to hold yourself
accountable for not putting in enough effort to get what you want listen
six-figure salaries do not get handed to you on a silver platter. You need to
work your butt off for them. It's as simple as that. The French proverb 'the
future is purchased by the present. 'If you're not putting in the work now, if
putting in the work now if you're not checking up on your textbooks on you're
not checking up on your textbooks from time to time in fact not even time to
time, if you're not checking your textbooks every single day, if you're not
revising, if you're not going over what you've learned, if you're not making
sure you are 110percent on every single topic how can you even say you deserve
to earn sixfigures salaries? So my number one tip to you guys is always, always
find something to improve on. I don't care if you know the entire textbook back
to front. I need you guys to make sure that you go through it again and again
and again and again because listen Michael Jordan didn't just suddenly make a
thousand shots and say you know what that's it, i'm fine. Right? Odell Beckham
Jr. does not make all the rushes that he makes, he reaches a certain number of
yards, and is like i'm fine. All the greats do not just say they're fine. So in
the same respect you need to continue to work until your arms fall off and then
once they fall off, once everything starts to hurt, once your brain hurts, work
harder. It's exactly like Arnold Schwarzenegger said when he spoke about how he
was a long time friend with Muhammad Ali. Somebody asked Muhammad Ali 'how many
sit-ups do you do' he said 'I don't count how many sit-ups I do I only count
them when they hurt.' So it's all well and good that you're doing the
prescribed one hour, two hour revision a night or even and there are some
people that do three to four hours a revision you know, per week and I'm surprised
if you get through the year with like three or four hours a week, that's
minimal but the reality is every single person in the world has the capability
of being amazing. It's not like, success isn't esoteric. It's not something
that's completely out of everybody's reach. It's achievable if you have it in
you and if, if you want it bad enough. It's easy to say yeah, I want this, I
want to be the best, you know ah, I want to have this fancy car, I want to have
a nice house, you know, I want to have a beautiful girlfriend... Listen, it
doesn't happen by just saying it. If everything we wanted was given to us just
by saying it, life would be boring and as a result of that you need to get up
and you need to work. You're going to need to make some sacrifices sometimes
you're going to need to turndown a party or two. Sometimes you're going to say
you know what, I'm going to leave the drinks until afterwards. Sometimes you're
gonna need to say to yourself you know what maybe I don't want to eat that.
Maybe I need to focus on this right now. You want to turn off the games console
you want to turn off the TV, I don't care if Game of Thrones, Suits or the
Walking Dead is on. You switch that shit off and you do your work. Let me tell
you why. If you don't do your work, the fact is you can't complain. When you're
putting out C's and D's you can't complain that you're not getting high enough
grades because you're putting in a C grade or a D grades worth of effort. Only
when you've put in an A or an A star grade piece of work and amount of effort
into how much you revise, only then will you truly discover what success is.
People say ou know, people are born smart. Nobody's born smart. Everyone's
brain is the same, everyone has the same two arms, two legs, everyone's born
the same. The thing is, it's whoever uses their brain in the most effective way
possible and by doing that by continually you know, working on your brain,
continually working on your skills, continually building on who you areas a
character and how you will maintain yourself in and outside the classroom, that
is the way that you're going to redefine your life and if you want that
six-figure salary my friend you better put a six-figure salary worth of work
and worth of effort into your life. Whenever someone tells you you should give
up, do the complete opposite. Blindside them because the reality is you can't
give them the benefit of the doubt that you want to go and you want to just give
up after the first try I mean who, who ever succeeded giving up after the first
try? Albert Einstein when he failed his experiments he did not just stop he continued
to keep going until he redefined physics as we know it. Mark Twain said 'the
two most important things in your life are the day that you are born and the
day that you find out why' and if you don't study my friends, if you don't work
hard, if you don't give life 120 percent, you will never find out why you were
born because you are too afraid to take that chance. I failed at a lot of
things. I failed at funny things, I failed a key primary school test for two
times and I filled like a three times for the middle school, you know, for three
years I tried and failed to get into universities so I applied jobs for thirty
times, got rejected. I went for a police they say no you're not good I went to
you know even the KFC when KFC come to China, come to my state,24 people went
for the job, 23 people accepted, I was the only one. We went for police, five
people, four of them accepted I was the only guy that did not receive it so to
me being turned down, rejected, oh by the way I told you that I applied for
Harvard, for ten times rejected, I know you rejected. They're sorry now. One of
the things you gotta understand my friend is that you're supposed to fail
you're supposed to fail because failure is the stepping stone to success you
need the logical reason why because failure is an experience that lends to
wisdom that ultimately makes you a stronger version of yourself. Maybe you got
a test anxiety I don't know but the worst thing you can do is quit. Talk to
your professor. I'm not a hundred percent sure but I know that you cannot quit
just because you failed doesn't make you a failure. Another one of these
cliches or cliche stories is about Thomas Edison right when a reporter asked
him you know what is it, how did you feel about failing a thousand times and he
said no I didn't fail a thousand times I just found a thousand different ways
that it wasn't going to work and that's what, that's what's happening with you but
every time he found a way that didn't work he was adding to his journey he was
growing stronger, he learned something, discovered something, you're
discovering something by yourself and you're exercising your character every time
you get up and try something. Move in the direction of something, even if you don't
get the thing, it's not about the thing, not about making the basketball team,
it's not about making a million dollars and it's not about the light bulb, it's
about what you learn along the way, who you become along the way and you're on the
journey, guess what the journey is hard, the journey is riddled with failure and
that's why most people don't do it most people aren't willing to get on that journey
because they're afraid to fail you my friend have failed congratulations it's
the greatest thing that ever happened to you because it shows that you're
alive, it shows that you did something and it shows that you're growing
stronger. Now go and fail again go out and I hope, I hope you guys that watch
these videos I hope you gonna fail a thousand times keep going out there and
failing you know what that means every time you fail it means to me, it tells
me that you're doing something. See a lot of people because they don't want to
make any mistakes it takes us to the next level. A lot of people don't want to
fail fear failure, fear of success and guess what else fear of the unknown. You
know Winston Churchill said about courage that, is that courage is the ability
to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. So you want to
courageously hold onto your dream and not lose enthusiasm. A guy in Los Angeles
all over the front page of the newspaper, he just passed the bar after taking
it 48 times. He had more than enough reasons and excuses not to take it. His
son has a law firm, he could have been a legal assistant, a clerk and people
all of a sudden, used to laugh at this guy, he was a laughingstock, people will
do that to you, you know people talk about John Kennedy Jr. failing the bar,
did you read in the newspaper that he passed, I didn't see that but did they
make as big as a deal about him passing as they did when he failed, no, you
know why people like to see you fail. They like to see that, it's, people are
like that. I don't know why it's set up like that. I was on the expressway,
traffic was jammed up, you know what was happening, it was an accident but
people pulled over to the side to get out of their car to go and look. To see
somebody else's suffering. That's why talk shows are so popular. Some people like
to hear other people's misery, they get all caught up in that, and then they go
magnify it in their own life because that's all they focus on. Who decided it
doesn't matter how many times I fail, I'm going to courageously pursue it, I
don't care what people say, I don't care what they think, this is something
that I want that gives my life meaning and value. If you constantly remind
yourself after every defeat, after every setback, every time you get knocked down,
I've got a saying, if life knocks you down try and land on your back because if
you can look up, you can get up. See a lot of people because of failure they
stop, they stop believing let me share something with you. You will fail your
way to success yes, eight out of ten millionaires have been financially
bankrupt. You will fail your way to success, it doesn't matter how many times
you fail, it doesn't matter how many times people tell you that you can't do
it, it doesn't matter if you don't have a dime in the bank. You will fail your
way to success. You got to set yourself up to win. You got to set yourself up
with a process that allows you to consistently grow, consistently enjoy your
life and consistently produce the results that you're really after. Somebody
told you that hard work won't pay off, I'm hear to tell you if you work for it,
if you willing to put in that sweat, that blood and those tears baby I'm
telling you you can have what you, be what you want, do what you want, are you
hearing me? Keep going until you see it. Don't quit, don't give up, listen to
me don't give up, don't give in, you hang in there, you hang in there because
if you quit right now you will never see it but if you hold on, if you hold on
everything you dreamed of everything you envisioned, everything you worked for,
it's coming but you can't quit or give up before you get it. If you work hard
you can have it. It ain't nothing you can't have. You deserve it. There ain't
nothing you can't have if you willing to work for it. There ain't nothing you
can't have if you willing to persevere, if you willing to stick in there, if
you're willing to stay, if you willing to fight, there ain't nothing you can't
have. Are you hearing what your boy is telling you? I'ts yours. It's yours. I'm
coming, I'm telling you, it's yours. You can have it. It's yours! You can do
it, it's yours! You can be it, it's yours! If E.T. can do it, listen to me,
anybody can do it, high school dropout, homeless, lived in abandoned buildings,
twelve years to get a four year degree. If you want it, if you want it as bad
as you want to breathe, if you really, really want it like you say you want it,
you can have it. This ain't for the weak and the uncommitted are you hearing
me? Success is not for the weak and the uncommitted. This is physical,
sometimes it's going to hurt, sometimes it's gonna be painful, it's hard, yep
it's hard, yes it's difficult, yes, why because the process is weeding out the
weak. Its weeding out the weak and so sometimes you got to play hard you got to
play physical, you got to play tough. Execution is worship. You got to get to a
place that when you start it you get to the middle of it, the doldrums and you
finish it. Are you hearing me, you're not just finishing, you finish strong.
Listen to me very closely, most of you the reason why you'll never be
successful is because you procrastinate, you procrastinate, you never finished
up. Don't get caught up in well I've tried it four or five times and things
didn't work out. If there's something that you want and you're hungry for it,
you've got to do whatever is necessary until and when you give the best you can
and that's not enough you must do what is required and don't give up on
yourself, don't throw the towel in so quickly. The secret to success is finish
it. Execution is worship, are you hearing me? Oh, you better hear what I'm
telling you baby listen to me very closely -execution is worship.
The people who dream and those people who dream big, have a different kind of life than the people who don't dream. If you do not do what you're doing right now well, your goal is just going to be a fancy desire, isn't it? Whether it's fear or anxiety,whatever it may be, I believe that every single person who's going out to chase their dreams has those voices in their head. I think it's part of the human experience. Stay strong, have faith,keep pushing through I've said this before and,and I'm living proof of it, is that.. on the other side of your struggle is something good, on your other side of your struggle is something better, on the other side of your struggle is some sort of success. So I'm here to tell you today You can have anything you want, be anyone you want but you're going to have to work. See dreams, aspirations they're not easily obtained but one of the hardest things to do is to keep going, is to keep chasing. You don'...
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